
Lighthouse Express Realtime Monitoring Systems

Instrument Files

Datasheet – Air Velocity Remote AV

Instrument Files

Datasheet – Air Velocity Remote AV

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The LMS Express Software allows you to continuously monitor your Cleanroom 24/7. As an excursion occurs, you will be notified immediately to respond to problems as they occur. The software will allow you to integrate as many sensors as you would like.

Simple, Easy to Use, Intuitive

The LMS Express Software is designed to be simple and easy to use. The software has built-in maps, graphs, charts and data tables so that you can easily view the data you have collected.

Validate Your System
Lighthouse is able to offer IQ/OQ Validation Services for the LMS Express Software. Otherwise, we can provide you with self-executable IQ/OQ documents which would allow you to validate the documents on your own. Our Validation Documents are designed to meet the stringent requirements of today’s regulations and guidelines.

Turnkey Solutions

Lighthouse is able to provide Turnkey Solutions, from installation and commissioning through validation of a project. This will allow you to have the peace of mind that Lighthouse is able to control the quality of the project from start to finish. Also, this will allow you to have one point of contact for any service or support.

Capability to Monitor Other Environmental Parameters

With the LMS Express Software, you will be able to monitor multiple environmental parameters. All of this data can be integrated into your LMS Express Software. This will allow you to have all of your data centrally located and you can set up alarms based upon these parameters. The environmental parameters we can monitor will include the following:

  • Particle Counts
  • Temp/RH
  • Differential Pressure
  • Air Velocity
  • Door Status
  • CO2 Levels
  • Viable Particles
  • O2 Levels
Express RT

Offered System Components