Illustration showing clean room technicians following a logical pathway to compliance.
Oct 18, 2023

Simplifying USP 788

Compliance with USP 788 standards doesn’t have to be a complex and laborious process. Recent advancements in liquid sampling technology have made achieving USP 788 compliance both simple and effective. Liquid sampling plays a crucial role in contamination control strategies, ensuring that particulate contaminants are kept out of injectable pharmaceutical products and, ultimately, the bodies of end-users. […]

batch sampler
Feb 21, 2022

USP <788> Regulations For Liquid Particle Counters In Cleanrooms

What happens if an injectable is contaminated? Infections, complications, vein irritation, local tissue infarction, anaphylactic shock, other health risks, and potentially death… The end-user is put in jeopardy. That is why it is vital we prevent contamination at the source: in the cleanroom during the manufacturing of the pharmaceuticals. This involves utilizing a liquid particle counter  […]

Jan 4, 2018

Liquid Sampler LS-20 Lighthouse Worldwide Solutions

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