Illustration Graphic-ApexZ Easy Wipedown
Jul 22, 2024

Controlling Cleanroom Contamination: How We Designed ApexZ Particle Counters for Easy Cleaning and Wipedown

Ensuring that the equipment used within cleanrooms is easy to wipe down and free from particle contamination is vital. Poorly designed equipment can become a contamination source, which is ironic given that such equipment is intended to monitor contamination levels. At Lighthouse Worldwide Solutions, we designed the ApexZ particle counter to facilitate easy cleaning, thereby […]

Illustration showing compressed gas tanks
Jun 26, 2024

Ensuring Cleanroom Integrity: The Importance of Gas Sampling

Gas Sampling in Cleanrooms  In cleanrooms, especially those classified ISO 5 or cleaner, maintaining contamination control is paramount. One significant potential source of contamination is compressed gas. Proper gas sampling is crucial in these environments to ensure that the compressed gases used do not introduce particles that could compromise the cleanroom’s integrity. The international standard […]

May 31, 2024

Sampling Compressed Gasses in Cleanrooms

verifying sterility in gas sampling and pharmaceutical cleanrooms
May 23, 2024

Verifying Sterility – Gas Sampling in Semiconductor & Pharmaceutical Cleanrooms

Illustration of a Lab Tech Using an ApexZ
Nov 15, 2023

Gas Sampling in Biopharma Cleanrooms: Ensuring Contamination Control

Introduction In the high-stakes realm of Pharmaceutical manufacturing, precision and adherence to stringent cleanliness standards are non-negotiable. Compressed gases are a staple in cleanroom environments, but they also present a potential risk of contamination. This article delves into the pivotal role of compressed gas sampling in pharma cleanrooms, emphasizing the unique challenges and regulatory considerations […]

tech paper tile - sample tubing guidance
Nov 14, 2023

Particle Counting Sample Tubing Guidance and Best Practices

Oct 13, 2022

How to Gas Sample Using a Particle Counter

Testing of compressed gases is a GMP requirement when such gases are used in cleanroom applications. It is critical for such testing to occur since product process zones in ISO 5 cleanrooms and zones require tight control on contamination and compressed gases used may also if not checked correctly be an avenue for particulate contamination […]

Oct 6, 2022

Gas Sampling Applications

Lighthouse offers an opportunity to sample the contamination level in compressed gases.  In the electronics industry as well as the Pharma industry contamination control of compressed gas has been getting more important over the last few years.