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Smoke Machine
Power 12vDC / 60A
Heat Exchanger 400W
Smoke Output Up to 10 mins at maxs output
Fluid Consumption 10ml/minute
Size 220 x 105 x 210 mm high
Weight 5.5 kg
Battery Capacity / Charging Time 200 ≤ X ≤ 400

Concept B1

Smoke Machine

  • Instant, safe smoke on demand
  • No warm up time, instant smoke
  • Dense, controllable smoke 
  • Completely portable 
  • Simple to Operate
  • Low fluid consumption (10 ml/min at max output)
  • Can produce smoke for up to 10 mins at max output 
  • Optional radio remote, wired remote and battery packs, DMX, TIMER etc

Concept’s B1 is a robust and fully portable smoke system, operating from an on board 12vDC battery. 

With a 400w heat exchanger, the B1 is capable of producing a good volume of safe, controllable smoke on demand in areas where no mains power is available, making this is an invaluable tool for air tracing, fire training, road traffic collision simulations, leak detecting etc.  
With the standard unit a maximum output, up to 10 minutes of smoke can be produced. If longer running periods are required an optional external battery connector can be used, this can provide up to 2 hours of smoke. 
A suitable 110v/230v AC charger is included with every unit. Spare battery packs, remote control leads and radio remote control systems are all available as optional extras.